Sometimes we allow our happiness, peace, faith, love, worth, purpose, obedience, or any number of other things in our lives to be dependent upon our circumstances, other's choices, or upon the "horizontal" around us. One of the great tests of mortality is to see if we will "cast our eyes about" as those in Lehi's vision (1 Nephi 8:25) or "cast our eyes up" and look at the Messianic symbol Moses had raised up for the children of Israel (2 Nephi 25:20). It is to see if we will allow ourselves to be "driven" - or influenced, motivated, or even controlled - by what is going on around us to right in front of us or to us,or instead feel the joy, the peace, the worth, or the purpose that comes from divine sources. It is a test to see if we will be horizontally connected or vertically connected, not only during trial but also during triumph.